Opto-Elektronische Sortierung
Davon verstehen wir

Our expertise makes us the best choice for the food industry.

Potatoes & vegetables
Our machines can sort many varieties of washed, unpeeled, or peeled vegetables and potatoes.
There’s a name for this kind of expertise.
We’re the brains behind the well-known brands…
No one can do everything!
That’s why we have capable partners
We can arrange the entire process chain…
…for you in cooperation with our partners. Your sorting machine will be effortlessly integrated. We will be happy to put you in contact or you can get in touch yourself. No problem!

Was bleibt …
ist der direkte Kontakt zu uns, wenn es um ein Problem, die Bedienung oder den Service an der Sortiermaschine geht. Denn, wie Sie bereits wissen –
von Opto-Elektronischer Sortierung verstehen wir was.
Capable partners

Processing of potatoes and root vegetables
The specialists from Sweden ►Processing of potatoes and root vegetables
Die Firma LIMAS ist der Spezialist für Maschinen und Ausrüstung rund um die Veredelung von Kartoffeln und anderem Wurzelgemüse.
LIMAS hat Kunden in ganz Europa. Die 1980 gegründete Firma hat ihren Sitz in Ahus, Schweden.

We are open to new partnerships
Achieving MORE together ►We are open to new partnerships
Werden Sie mit uns zum Komplett-Anbieter von Produktionsanlagen in der Lebensmittelindustrie. Integrieren Sie unsere Sortiermaschinen in Ihre Projekte.
Mit dem Prädiktat “Made in Germany” setzen wir uns hohe Maßstäbe.

Creating new perspectives as a representative
Forge ahead with dynamism ►Creating new perspectives as a representative
Nutzen Sie unsere Dynamik und schaffen Sie neue Perspektiven für sich und zukünftige Interessenten.
Überzeugen Sie andere von unserer Expertise und verwandeln Sie Interessenten zu treuen Kunden.
We are proud to have turned many prospects around the world into our customers. Here is a small selection. We have enjoyed particularly long and successful partnerships with the companies mentioned here. We appreciate the trust placed in us and the long-standing loyalty.
Find what others already have, here.
The right sorting machines for your products.
This is our place to share information with you about various events and other topics, both small and large.
Inline keen eye® – enthusiasm for an entire region
The AGROSUPER® company ... installed in 2020 the InLine keen eye sorting machines for sorting chicken paws at its plant in San Vicente, Chile. The performance of the InLine keen eye® and the satisfaction of [...]
SCANSPECTOR mobile – a decision without to tie myself down
... and the question why sometimes the application of the SCANSPECTOR [mobile] facilitates your choice for a competitor. SCANSPECTOR mobile In the discussion about investments in opto-electronic sorting technology, many questions arise that [...]
Why do small processing factories prefer an AGROSELECTOR®
... and the question “what role do ten large potatoes play?”. The AGROSELECTOR® sorting machine has become established in potato processing lines of all sizes in the last 30 years. Both large and small enterprises [...]